Found 5 results
Author Title [ Type] Year Filters: Keyword is Proto-Oncogene Proteins and Author is Joel H Rothman [Clear All Filters]
Baculovirus p35 prevents developmentally programmed cell death and rescues a ced-9 mutant in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans.. EMBO J. 13(9):2023-8.
1994. Dynamics of a developmental switch: recursive intracellular and intranuclear redistribution of Caenorhabditis elegans POP-1 parallels Wnt-inhibited transcriptional repression.. Dev Biol. 248(1):128-42.
2002. Reprogramming of early embryonic blastomeres into endodermal progenitors by a Caenorhabditis elegans GATA factor.. Genes Dev. 12(24):3809-14.
1998. Restriction of mesendoderm to a single blastomere by the combined action of SKN-1 and a GSK-3beta homolog is mediated by MED-1 and -2 in C. elegans.. Mol Cell. 7(3):475-85.
2001. Suppression of CED-3-independent apoptosis by mitochondrial betaNAC in Caenorhabditis elegans.. Nature. 424(6952):1066-71.