
Found 11 results
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Filters: Keyword is Caenorhabditis elegans and Author is Joshi, Pradeep M  [Clear All Filters]
Journal Article
Riddle MR, Spickard EA, Jevince A, Nguyen KCQ, Hall DH, Joshi PM, Rothman JH.  2016.  Transorganogenesis and transdifferentiation in C. elegans are dependent on differentiated cell identity.. Dev Biol. 420(1):136-147.
Flowers S, Kothari R, Cleuren YNTorres, Alcorn MR, Ewe CKiang, Alok G, Fiallo SL, Joshi PM, Rothman JH.  2023.  Regulation of defective mitochondrial DNA accumulation and transmission in by the programmed cell death and aging pathways.. Elife. 12
Joshi PM, Rothman JH.  2005.  Nematode gastrulation: having a BLASTocoel!. Curr Biol. 15(13):R495-8.
Joshi PM, Rothman JH.  2015.  NEGotiating Cell Identity through Regulated Cytoplasmic Polyadenylation.. Dev Cell. 34(1):1-2.
Spickard EA, Joshi PM, Rothman JH.  2018.  The multipotency-to-commitment transition in Caenorhabditis elegans-implications for reprogramming from cells to organs.. FEBS Lett. 592(6):838-851.
Jeong PYoung, Kumar A, Joshi PM, Rothman JH.  2020.  Intertwined Functions of Separase and Caspase in Cell Division and Programmed Cell Death.. Sci Rep. 10(1):6159.
Alcorn MR, Callander DC, López-Santos A, Cleuren YNTorres, Birsoy B, Joshi PM, Santure AW, Rothman JH.  2016.  Heterotaxy in Caenorhabditis: widespread natural variation in left-right arrangement of the major organs.. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 371(1710)
Ewe CKiang, Sommermann EM, Kenchel J, Flowers SE, Maduro MF, Joshi PM, Rothman JH.  2022.  Feedforward regulatory logic controls the specification-to-differentiation transition and terminal cell fate during Caenorhabditis elegans endoderm development.. Development. 149(12)
Cleuren YNTorres, Ewe CKiang, Chipman KC, Mears ER, Wood CG, Al-Alami CEmma Alma, Alcorn MR, Turner TL, Joshi PM, Snell RG et al..  2019.  Extensive intraspecies cryptic variation in an ancient embryonic gene regulatory network.. Elife. 8
Chen L, McCloskey T, Joshi PM, Rothman JH.  2008.  ced-4 and proto-oncogene tfg-1 antagonistically regulate cell size and apoptosis in C. elegans.. Curr Biol. 18(14):1025-33.
Joshi PM, Riddle MR, Djabrayan NJV, Rothman JH.  2010.  Caenorhabditis elegans as a model for stem cell biology.. Dev Dyn. 239(5):1539-54.