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The TBP-like factor CeTLF is required to activate RNA polymerase II transcription during C. elegans embryogenesis.. Mol Cell. 6(3):705-13.
2000. Protein sorting in yeast: the role of the vacuolar proton-translocating ATPase.. J Cell Sci Suppl. 11:161-78.
1989. The stem-loop binding protein CDL-1 is required for chromosome condensation, progression of cell death and morphogenesis in Caenorhabditis elegans.. Development. 129(1):187-96.
2002. Cell fates and fusion in the C. elegans vulval primordium are regulated by the EGL-18 and ELT-6 GATA factors -- apparent direct targets of the LIN-39 Hox protein.. Development. 129(22):5171-80.
2002. ELT-5 and ELT-6 are required continuously to regulate epidermal seam cell differentiation and cell fusion in C. elegans.. Development. 128(15):2867-80.
2001. Repression of cell-cell fusion by components of the C. elegans vacuolar ATPase complex.. Dev Cell. 8(5):787-94.
2005. Cell fusion: EFF is enough.. Curr Biol. 15(7):R252-4.
2005. Cell death: hook, line and linker.. Curr Biol. 17(8):R286-9.