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Caenorhabditis elegans: molecular genetics and development.. Methods Cell Biol. 106:xv-xviii.
2011. Aging: from radiant youth to an abrupt end.. Curr Biol. 12(7):R239-41.
2002. A new generation of fluorescent chemosensors demonstrate improved analyte detection sensitivity and photobleaching resistance.. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 9(4):509-12.
1999. Novel Hoogsteen-like bases for configurational recognition of the T-A base pair by DNA triplex formation.. Biopolymers. 39(6):795-812.
1996. A putative GTP binding protein homologous to interferon-inducible Mx proteins performs an essential function in yeast protein sorting.. Cell. 61(6):1063-74.
1990. Protein targeting to the yeast vacuole.. Trends Biochem Sci. 14(8):347-50.
1989. Characterization of genes required for protein sorting and vacuolar function in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.. EMBO J. 8(7):2057-65.
1989. Acidification of the lysosome-like vacuole and the vacuolar H+-ATPase are deficient in two yeast mutants that fail to sort vacuolar proteins.. J Cell Biol. 109(1):93-100.
1989. Protein sorting in yeast: mutants defective in vacuole biogenesis mislocalize vacuolar proteins into the late secretory pathway.. Cell. 47(6):1041-51.
1986. Overproduction-induced mislocalization of a yeast vacuolar protein allows isolation of its structural gene.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 83(10):3248-52.