Our Lab

Bowling party in honor of Taka Sokabe March 2017Jinfei Ni and Craig Montell discussing dataJunjie Luo publishes in Nat. Neurosci Jan. 2017Nicole Leung and Tyler Ogunmowo  win UCSB Art of Science  2017Lab party at Montell's house 2014Chrisotpher Tien, Emma Zhang and John Mack graduating from UCSB 2017Meeting with Congressman CarbajalContest at lab beach party for Jinfei Ni May 2017Talking to Hideyuki OkanoScene from joint Denise and Craig Montell holiday party Dec 16Lab party at home in the Baltimore daysCraig Montell incognito Lab trip to Santa Cruz Island, May 2022Yinpeng and Derek's going away party at Goleta Beach, September 2022