Resolving the functions of overlapping viral genes by site-specific mutagenesis at a mRNA splice site

TitleResolving the functions of overlapping viral genes by site-specific mutagenesis at a mRNA splice site
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1982
AuthorsMontell C, Fisher EF, Caruthers MH, Berk AJ
Date Published1982 Feb 4
KeywordsAdenoviruses, Human, Gene Expression Regulation, Genes, Viral, Mutation, RNA Splicing, RNA, Messenger, RNA, Viral, Viral Proteins, Virus Replication

Early region IA of human adenoviruses encodes a function required for normal induction of early viral genes and virus-induced cell transformation. The region is expressed at early times as two overlapping spliced mRNAs, 12S and 13S, which encode closely related proteins. To distinguish between the functions of these proteins, a single T leads to G transversion was constructed which prevents splicing of the 12S mRNA. This transversion, in the second base of the 12S mRNA intron, does not alter the protein encoded by the 13S mRNA due to degeneracy in the genetic code. Studies with this mutant demonstrated that only the 13S mRNA encodes the regulatory protein required for normal early gene expression.

Alternate JournalNature
PubMed ID7057903
Grant ListA1 07116 / / PHS HHS / United States
CA25235 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States