Control of thermotactic behavior via coupling of a TRP channel to a phospholipase C signaling cascade

TitleControl of thermotactic behavior via coupling of a TRP channel to a phospholipase C signaling cascade
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsKwon Y, Shim H-S, Wang X, Montell C
JournalNat Neurosci
Date Published2008 Aug
KeywordsAdaptation, Physiological, Animals, Animals, Genetically Modified, Behavior, Animal, Choice Behavior, Drosophila melanogaster, Drosophila Proteins, Larva, Motor Activity, Mutagenesis, Signal Transduction, Temperature, TRPC Cation Channels, Type C Phospholipases

In animals such as the fruitfly, even minor deviations in environmental temperature can have major impacts on development and lifespan. Here we demonstrated that the ability of Drosophila melanogaster larvae to discriminate between the optimal temperature of 18 degrees C and slightly higher temperatures (19-24 degrees C) depended on the TRPA1 channel, which functioned downstream of a phospholipase C-dependent signaling cascade similar to that used in fly phototransduction. We propose that activation of TRPA1 through a signaling cascade promotes amplification of small differences in temperature and facilitates adaptation to temperatures within the comfortable range.

Alternate JournalNat. Neurosci.
PubMed ID18660806
Grant ListEY010852 / EY / NEI NIH HHS / United States
GM085335 / GM / NIGMS NIH HHS / United States