Significant Performance Enhancement of Polymer Resins by Bioinspired Dynamic Bonding.

TitleSignificant Performance Enhancement of Polymer Resins by Bioinspired Dynamic Bonding.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsSeo, S, Lee, DWoog, Ahn, JSoo, Cunha, K, Filippidi, E, Ju, SWon, Shin, E, Kim, B-S, Levine, ZA, Lins, RD, Israelachvili, JN, J Waite, H, Valentine, MT, Shea, JEmma, B Ahn, K
JournalAdv Mater
Date Published2017 Oct

Marine mussels use catechol-rich interfacial mussel foot proteins (mfps) as primers that attach to mineral surfaces via hydrogen, metal coordination, electrostatic, ionic, or hydrophobic bonds, creating a secondary surface that promotes bonding to the bulk mfps. Inspired by this biological adhesive primer, it is shown that a ≈1 nm thick catecholic single-molecule priming layer increases the adhesion strength of crosslinked polymethacrylate resin on mineral surfaces by up to an order of magnitude when compared with conventional primers such as noncatecholic silane- and phosphate-based grafts. Molecular dynamics simulations confirm that catechol groups anchor to a variety of mineral surfaces and shed light on the binding mode of each molecule. Here, a ≈50% toughness enhancement is achieved in a stiff load-bearing polymer network, demonstrating the utility of mussel-inspired bonding for processing a wide range of polymeric interfaces, including structural, load-bearing materials.

Alternate JournalAdv. Mater. Weinheim
PubMed ID28833661
PubMed Central IDPMC5640498
Grant ListR01 DE018468 / DE / NIDCR NIH HHS / United States