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Journal Article
Behrman S, Acosta-Alvear D, Walter P.  2011.  A CHOP-regulated microRNA controls rhodopsin expression.. J Cell Biol. 192(6):919-27.
Peschek J, Acosta-Alvear D, Mendez AS, Walter P.  2015.  A conformational RNA zipper promotes intron ejection during non-conventional XBP1 mRNA splicing.. EMBO Rep. 16(12):1688-98.
Mendez AS, Alfaro J, Morales-Soto MA, Dar AC, McCullagh E, Gotthardt K, Li H, Acosta-Alvear D, Sidrauski C, Korennykh AV et al..  2015.  Endoplasmic reticulum stress-independent activation of unfolded protein response kinases by a small molecule ATP-mimic.. Elife. 4
Lu M, Lawrence DA, Marsters S, Acosta-Alvear D, Kimmig P, Mendez AS, Paton AW, Paton JC, Walter P, Ashkenazi A.  2014.  Opposing unfolded-protein-response signals converge on death receptor 5 to control apoptosis.. Science. 345(6192):98-101.
Acosta-Alvear D, Cho MY, Wild T, Buchholz TJ, Lerner AG, Simakova O, Hahn J, Korde N, Landgren O, Maric I et al..  2015.  Paradoxical resistance of multiple myeloma to proteasome inhibitors by decreased levels of 19S proteasomal subunits.. Elife. 4:e08153.
Sidrauski C, Acosta-Alvear D, Khoutorsky A, Vedantham P, Hearn BR, Li H, Gamache K, Gallagher CM, Ang KK-H, Wilson C et al..  2013.  Pharmacological brake-release of mRNA translation enhances cognitive memory.. Elife. 2:e00498.
Li X, Colvin T, Rauch JN, Acosta-Alvear D, Kampmann M, Dunyak B, Hann B, Aftab BT, Murnane M, Cho M et al..  2015.  Validation of the Hsp70-Bag3 protein-protein interaction as a potential therapeutic target in cancer.. Mol Cancer Ther. 14(3):642-8.