Title | doublesex/mab3 related-1 (dmrt1) is essential for development of anterior neural plate derivatives in Ciona. |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2010 |
Authors | Tresser J, Chiba S, Veeman M, El-Nachef D, Newman-Smith E, Horie T, Tsuda M, Smith WC |
Journal | Development |
Volume | 137 |
Issue | 13 |
Pagination | 2197-203 |
Date Published | 2010 Jul |
ISSN | 1477-9129 |
Keywords | Animals, Central Nervous System, Mutation, Transcription Factors, Urochordata |
Abstract | Ascidian larvae have a hollow, dorsal central nervous system that shares many morphological features with vertebrate nervous systems yet is composed of very few cells. We show here that a null mutation in the gene dmrt1 in the ascidian Ciona savignyi results in profound abnormalities in the development of the sensory vesicle (brain), as well as other anterior ectodermal derivatives, including the palps and oral siphon primordium (OSP). Although the phenotype of the mutant embryos is variable, the majority have a complete loss of the most anterior structures (palps and OSP) and extensive disruption of sensory structures, such as the light-sensitive ocellus, in the sensory vesicle. dmrt1 is expressed early in the blastula embryo in a small group of presumptive ectodermal cells as they become restricted to anterior neural, OSP and palp fates. Despite the early and restricted expression of dmrt1, we were unable, using several independent criteria, to observe a defect in the mutant embryos until the early tailbud stage. We speculate that the variability and late onset in the phenotype may be due to partially overlapping activities of other gene products. |
DOI | 10.1242/dev.045302 |
Alternate Journal | Development |
PubMed ID | 20530547 |
PubMed Central ID | PMC2882137 |
Grant List | GM075049 / GM / NIGMS NIH HHS / United States HD38701 / HD / NICHD NIH HHS / United States |