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“A cohort of new adhesive proteins identified from transcriptomic analysis of mussel foot glands.”, J R Soc Interface, vol. 14, no. 131, 2017.
, “Influence of multi-cycle loading on the structure and mechanics of marine mussel plaques.”, Soft Matter, vol. 13, no. 40, pp. 7381-7388, 2017.
, “Significant Performance Enhancement of Polymer Resins by Bioinspired Dynamic Bonding.”, Adv Mater, vol. 29, no. 39, 2017.
, “Toughening elastomers using mussel-inspired iron-catechol complexes.”, Science, vol. 358, no. 6362, pp. 502-505, 2017.
, “Sugary interfaces mitigate contact damage where stiff meets soft.”, Nat Commun, vol. 7, p. 11923, 2016.
, “Sugary interfaces mitigate contact damage where stiff meets soft.”, Nat Commun, vol. 7, p. 11923, 2016.
, “The microscopic network structure of mussel (Mytilus) adhesive plaques.”, J R Soc Interface, vol. 12, no. 113, p. 20150827, 2015.
, “Sea star tenacity mediated by a protein that fragments, then aggregates.”, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, vol. 111, no. 17, pp. 6317-22, 2014.
, “Asymmetric collapse in biomimetic complex coacervates revealed by local polymer and water dynamics.”, Biomacromolecules, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 1395-402, 2013.
, “Fabrication of unique chemical patterns and concentration gradients with visible light.”, J Am Chem Soc, vol. 135, no. 38, pp. 14106-9, 2013.