Structures and dynamic motion of laminin-1 as observed by atomic force microscopy

TitleStructures and dynamic motion of laminin-1 as observed by atomic force microscopy
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1998
AuthorsChen CH, Clegg DO, Hansma HG
Date Published1998 Jun 2
KeywordsAnimals, Buffers, Hypertonic Solutions, Hypotonic Solutions, Laminin, Mice, Microscopy, Atomic Force, Motion, Sarcoma, Experimental

Laminins are a family of multifunctional extracellular matrix glycoproteins that play important roles in the development and maintenance of tissue organization via their interactions with cells and other extracellular matrix proteins. To understand the structural basis of laminins' functions, we examined the motion of laminin-1 (Ln-1) in physiological buffers using atomic force microscopy. While many Ln-1 molecules assumed the expected cruciform structure, unexpected dynamic movements of the Ln-1 arms were observed in aqueous environments. These dynamic movements of the Ln-1 arms may contribute to the diversity of laminin functions.

Alternate JournalBiochemistry
PubMed ID9609723
Grant ListEY09736 / EY / NEI NIH HHS / United States