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Vitronectin-Based, Biomimetic Encapsulating Hydrogel Scaffolds Support Adipogenesis of Adipose Stem Cells. Tissue Engineering Part A. 22(7-8):597-609.
2016. .
Osteopontin is proinflammatory in experimental autoimmune uveitis. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 47(10):4435-43.
2006. POLY 415-Characterization of poly (ethylene glycol) hydrogels formed via Click chemistry. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemincal Society. 232
2006. Investigation of the Pro-Inflammatory Function of Osteopontin in Experimental Autoimmune Uveitis. Investigative Ophtalmology & Visual Science. 46:993.
2005. Investigation of the pro-inflammatory function of osteopontin in retinal autoimmune disease. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 15:302A–303A.
2004. Inward rectifier potassium channel Kir2.2 is associated with SAP97. Biophysical Journal. 80:630A–630A.
2001. Inward rectifier potassium channel Kir2.2 is associated with synapse-associated protein SAP97. Journal of Cell Science. 114(Pt 5):987-98.
2001. Differential localization and functional role of calsequestrin in growing and differentiated myoblasts. The Journal of Cell Biology. 128(3):341-54.
1995. Expression of the calsequestrin gene in chicken cerebellum Purkinje neurons. Biochemical Journal. 294 ( Pt 2):487-90.
1993. .