Wednesday, October 14th 2015 marks Stem Cell Awareness Day, which brings together organizations and individuals around the world working to ensure that we realize the benefits of one of the most promising fields of science in our time. The day is a unique global opportunity to foster greater understanding about stem cell research and the range of potential applications for disease and injury. UC Santa Barbara researchers participated in the event with local outreach talks in Santa Barbara at the Vista Del Monte Retirement Community, the annual meeting of the UCSB Board of Trustees, and at San Marcos High School. In addition, our latest research was presented at scientific meetings, including the Stem Cell Meeting on the Mesa, the American Association of Blood Banks, and the Alliance for Regenerative Medicine in London. UC Santa Barbara is at the forefront of research in stem cell biology and engineering, with advances being made in understanding molecular mechanisms of stem cell biology, the discoveries of novel biotechnologies, and translation of cellular therapies for ocular disease. For information, please see