Human SY5Y neuroblastoma cell interactions with laminin isoforms: neurite outgrowth on laminin-5 is mediated by integrin alpha 3 beta 1

TitleHuman SY5Y neuroblastoma cell interactions with laminin isoforms: neurite outgrowth on laminin-5 is mediated by integrin alpha 3 beta 1
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1996
AuthorsSmith BE, Bradshaw AD, Choi ES, Rouselle P, Wayner EA, Clegg DO
JournalCell Communication and Adhesion
Date Published1996 Apr
KeywordsAnimals, Antibodies, Monoclonal, Cell Adhesion, Cell Adhesion Molecules, Cell Extracts, Extracellular Matrix, Humans, Integrin alpha3beta1, Integrins, Laminin, Mice, Molecular Weight, Neurites, Neuroblastoma, Placenta, Receptors, Laminin, Tumor Cells, Cultured

Laminin (Ln) isoforms may play important roles in neuronal development, particularly axon guidance, but neural receptors mediating interactions with Ln are not entirely understood. In this paper, we have compared the adhesive and process outgrowth activities of a human neuroblastoma cell line SY5Y on various laminin isoforms. Cell adhesion and process outgrowth were examined on murine Ln-1 (Englebreth-Holm-Swarm sarcoma laminin), human placental Ln-1 (human Ln-1[p]), human Ln-2 (merosin), human Ln-5 (kalinin/epiligrin/nicein), and human foreskin keratinocyte extracellular matrix extract (human HFK-ECM). Ln-5 was shown to evoke process outgrowth in amounts comparable to other Ln isoforms. Antibody perturbation experiments showed that adhesion and process outgrowth on murine Ln-1 was primarily mediated by the integrin alpha 1 beta 1, whereas adhesion and outgrowth on human Ln-5 and human HFK-ECM were mediated by alpha 3 beta 1. Adhesion to human Ln-1(p) and Ln-2 was not blocked by addition of anti-alpha 1 or anti-alpha 3 antibodies alone, but adhesion was partially perturbed when these antibodies were added in combination. Process outgrowth on human Ln-1(p) was blocked when either anti-alpha 3 or anti-beta 1 antibodies were added, indicating that alpha 3 beta 1 is the primary integrin heterodimer responsible for process extension on this substrate. These results demonstrate that Ln-5 and other Ln isoforms support comparable levels of adhesion and process outgrowth, but different integrin heterodimers, alone and in combination, are used by SY5Y cells to mediate responses.

Alternate JournalCell Adhes. Commun.
PubMed ID8807189
Grant ListEYEY09736 / EY / NEI NIH HHS / United States
NS27356 / NS / NINDS NIH HHS / United States