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Synthetic surfaces for human embryonic stem cell culture. Journal of Biotechnology. 146(3):143-6.
2010. Thrombospondin-4 and matrix three-dimensionality in axon outgrowth and adhesion in the developing retina. Expierimental Eye Research. 84(4):707-17.
2007. .
Laminin-5 promotes neurite outgrowth from central and peripheral chick embryonic neurons. Neuroscience Letters. 301(2):83-6.
2001. Human SY5Y neuroblastoma cell interactions with laminin isoforms: neurite outgrowth on laminin-5 is mediated by integrin alpha 3 beta 1. Cell Communication and Adhesion. 3(6):451-62.
1996. Integrin alpha 2 beta 1 mediates interactions between developing embryonic retinal cells and collagen. Development. 121(11):3593-602.
1995. Functional identification of integrin laminin receptors that mediate process outgrowth by human SY5Y neuroblastoma cells. Journal of Neuroscience Research. 37(4):475-88.
1994. .