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Hernandez I, Luna G, Rauch JN, Reis SA, Giroux M, Karch CM, Boctor D, Sibih YE, Storm NJ, Diaz A, Kaushik S, Zekanowski C, Kang AA, Hinman CR, Cerovac V, Guzman E, Zhou H, Haggarty SJ, Goate AM, Fisher SK, Cuervo AM, Kosik KS. (2019). A farnesyltransferase inhibitor activates lysosomes and reduces tau pathology in mice with tauopathy. Sci Transl Med. doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aat3005. PMID: 30918111.
Sajdak BS, Bell BA, Lewis TR, Luna G, Cornwell GS, Fisher SK, Merriman DK, Carroll J. (2018). Assessment of Outer Retinal Remodeling in the Hibernating 13-Lined Ground Squirrel. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. doi: 10.1167/iovs.17-23120. PMID: 29847661.
Kautzman AG, Keeley PW, Nahmou MM, Luna G, Fisher SK, Reese BE. (2017). Sox2 Regulates Astrocytic and Vascular Development in the Retina. Glia. doi: 10.1002/glia.23269. PMID: 29178409
Spencer R, Fisher SK, Lewis GP, Malone T. (2017). Epiretinal membrane in a subject after transvitreal delivery of palucorcel (CNTO 2476). Clin Ophthalmol. doi: 10.2147/OPTH.S140218. PMID: 29070939.
Clevenger TN, Luna G, Boctor D, Fisher SK, Clegg DO. (2016). Cell-mediated remodeling of biomimetic encapsulating hydrogels triggered by adipogenic differentiation of adipose stem cells. J Tissue Eng. doi: 10.1177/204173141667082. PMID: 27733898.
Luna G, Lewis GP, Linberg KA, Chang B, Hu Q, Munson PJ, Maminishkis A, Miller SS, Fisher SK. (2016). Anatomical and Gene Expression Changes in the Retinal Pigmented Epithelium Atrophy 1 (rpea1) Mouse: A Potential Model of Serous Retinal Detachment. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 57(11):4641-4654. doi: 10.1167/iovs.15-19044. PMID: 27603725.
Clevenger TN, Luna G, Fisher SK, Clegg DO. (2016). Strategies for bioengineered scaffolds that support adipose stem cells in regenerative therapies. Regen Med. doi: 10.2217/rme-2016-0064. PMID: 2748203.
Luna G, Keeley PW, Reese BE, Lewis GP, Fisher SK. (2016). Astrocyte Structural Reactivity and Plasticity in Models of Retinal Detachment. Exp Eye Res. S0014-4835(16)30064-1. doi: 10.1016/j.exer.2016.03.027. PMID: 27060374.
Volland S, Hughes LC, Kong C, Burgess BL, Linberg KA, Luna, G, Hong Zhou Z, Fisher SK, Williams DS. (2015). Three-dimensional organization of nascent rod outer segment disk membranes. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 112: 14870-5. PMID: 26578801.
Sajdak B, Yusufu SN, Langlo CS, Luna G, Fisher SK, Merriman DK, Dubra A. (2015). Noninvasive imaging of the thirteen-lined ground squirrel photoreceptor mosiac. Vis Neurosci. 33:E003. doi: 10.1017/S0952523815000346. PMID: 26923645.
Mandal N, Lewis GP, Fisher SK, Heegaard S, Prause JU, la Cour M, Vorum H, Honore B. (2015). Proteomic analysis of the vitreous following experimental retinal detachment in rabbits. J Ophthalmol. doi: 10.1155/2015/583040. PMID: 26664739.
Jammalamadaka A, Suwannatat P, Fisher SK, Manjunath BS, Hollerer T, Luna G. (2015). Characterizing spatial distributions of retinal astrocytes in the mammalian retina. Bioinformatics. 31: 2024-31. PMID: 25686636.
Byrne LC, Dalkara D, Luna G, Fisher SK, Clerin E, Sahel JA, Leveillard T, Flannery JG. (2014). Viral-mediated RdCVF and RdCVFL expression protects cone and rod photoreceptors in retinal degeneration. J Clin Invest. 125: 105-116. PMID: 25415434.
Sakai T, Tsuneoka H, Lewis GP, Fisher SK. (2014). Remodeling of retinal on- and off-bipolar cells following experimental retinal detachment. Clin Experiment Ophthalmol. 42:480-485. PMID: 24118698.
Jadadeesh V, Manjunath BS, Anderson J, Jones BW, Marc RE, Fisher SK. (2013). Robust segmentation based on tracing using an adaptive wrapper for inducing priors. IEEE Trans Image Process. 12: 4952-63. PMID: 23996562.
Keeley PW, Luna G, Fariss RN, Skyles KA, Madsen NR, Raven MA, Poche RA, Swindell EC, Jamrich M, Oh EC, Swaroop A, Fisher SK, Reese BE. (2013). Development and plasticity of outer retinal circuitry following genetic removal of horizontal cells. J Neurosci. 33: 17847-62. PMID: 24198374.
Ruttenberg BE, Luna G, Lewis GP, Fisher SK, Singh AK. (2013). Quantifying spatial relationships from whole retinal images. Bioinformatics. 29: 940-946. PMID: 23396124.
McGill TJ, Prusky GT, Luna G, LaVail MM, Fisher SK, Lewis GP. (2012). Optomotor and immunohistochemical changes in the juvenile S334ter rat. Exp Eye Res. 104: 65-73. PMID: 23036564.
Lesnik Oberstein SY, Byun J, Herrera D, Chapin EA, Fisher SK, Lewis GP. (2011). Cell proliferation in human epiretinal membranes: characterization of cell types and correlation with disease condition and duration. Mol Vis. 17: 1794-1805. PMID: 21750605.
Mandal N, Lewis GP, Fisher SK, Heegaard S, Prause JU, la Cour M, Vorum H, Honore B. (2011). Protein changes in the retina following experimental retinal detachment in rabbits. Mol Vis. 17: 2634-2648. PMID: 22065916.
Suwannatat P, Luna G, Ruttenberg BE, Raviv R, Lewis GP, Fisher SK, Hollerer T. (2011). Interactive visualization of retinal astrocyte images. International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging. Paper #1557. March 30 - April 2, Chicago, Illnois.
Wickham L, Lewis GP, Charteris DG, Fisher SK. (2011). Cellular effects of detachment and reattachment on the neural retina and retinal pigmented epithelium. In: Retina. Ryan, S.J. and Wilkinson, C.P. Eds., Volume 1, Surgical Retina, St. Louis, MO, Elsevier, Mosby.
Fisher SK, Lewis GP. (2010). Injury and Repair Responses: Retinal Detachment. In: Dartt, Besharse, and Dana (eds), Encyclopedia of the Eye. Vol. 2, pages 428-438. Elsevier (Oxford).
Fisher SK, Lewis GP. (2010). Retinal detachment. In: Levin & Albert (eds.), Ocular Diseases: Mechanisms and Management. Cambridge: Elsevier. pp. 554-561.
Lewis GP, Chapin EA, Luna G, Linberg KA, Fisher SK. (2010). The fate of Müller’s glia following experimental retinal detachment: nuclear migration, cell division, and subretinal glial scar formation. Mol Vis. 16: 1361-1372. PMID: 20664798.
Luna G, Lewis GP, Banna CD, Skalli O, Fisher SK. (2010). Expression profiles of nestin and synemin in reactive astrocytes and Muller cells following retinal injury: a comparison with glial fibrillary acidic protein and vimentin. Mol Vis. 16: 2511-2523. PMID: 21139996.
Lesnik Oberstein SY, Lewis GP, Dutra T, Fisher SK. (2011). Evidence that neurites in human epiretinal membranes express melanopsin, calretinin, rod opsin and neurofilament protein. Br J Ophthalmol. 95: 266-272. PMID: 20971788.
Zahn G, Klatt K, Lewis GP, Vossmeyer D, Stragies R, Heier JS, Daniel PE. Jr , Adamis AP, Chapin EA, Fisher SK, Holz FG, Loeffler KU, Knolle J. (2010). Assessment of the Integrin alpha 5B1 antagonist JSM6427 in proliferative vitreoretinopathy using in vitro assays and a rabbit model of retinal detachment. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 51: 1028-1035. PMID: 19815730.
Eibl KH, Fisher SK, Lewis GP. (2009). Alkylphosphocholines: a New Approach to inhibit Cell Proliferation in Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy. In: Pharmacology-Assisted Vitreoretinal Surgery. Ed: A. Gandorfer. (A volume in the series “Developments in Ophthalmology”) 44: 1-10. PMID: 19494652.
Lewis GP, Chapin EA, Byun J, Luna G, Sherris D, Fisher SK. (2009). Müller cell reactivity and photoreceptor cell death are reduced after experimental retinal detachment using an inhibitor of the Akt/mTOR pathway. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 50: 4429-4435. PMID: 19369237.
Linberg KA, Lewis GP, Fisher, SK. (2009). Retraction and remodeling of rod spherules are early events following experimental retinal detachment: an ultrastructural study using serial sections. Mol Vis. 15: 10-25. PMID: 19137070.
Luna G, Kjellstrom S, Verardo MR, Lewis GP, Byun J, Sieving PA, Fisher SK. (2009).The effects of transient retinal detachment on cavity size and glial and neural remodeling in a mouse model of X-linked retinoschisis. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 50: 3977-3984. PMID: 19387072.
Wickham L, Chen FK, Lewis GP, Uppal GS, Neveu MM, Wright GA, Robson AG, Webster AR, Grierson I, Hiscott P, Coffey PE, Holder GE, Fisher SK, Da Cruz L. (2009). Clinicopathological case series of four patients with inherited macular disease. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 50: 3553-3561. PMID: 19279306.
Lesnik Oberstein SY, Lewis GP, Chapin EA, Fisher SK. (2008). Ganglion cell neurites in human idiopathic epiretinal membranes. Br J Ophthalmol. 92: 981-985. PMID: 18577651.
Verardo MR, Lewis GP, Takeda M, Linberg KA, Byun J, Luna G, Wilhelmsson U, Pekny M, Chen D-F, Fisher SK. (2008). Abnormal reactivity of Müller cells after retinal detachment in mice deficient in GFAP and Vimentin. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 49, 3659-3665. PMID: 18469190.
Wickham L, Lewis GP, Chartris DG, Fisher SK, Da Cruz L. (2008). Histological anaylsis of retinas sampled during translocation surgery: a comparison with normal and transplantation retinas. Br J Ophthalmol. 93: 969-973. PMID: 19091855.
Eibl KH, Lewis GP, Betts KE, Gandorfer A, Kampik A, Fisher SK. (2007) . The effect of Alkylphosphocholines on Intraretinal Proliferation Initiated by Experimental Retinal Detachment. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 48: 1305-1311. PMID: 17325177.
Lewis GP, Betts KE, Sethi CS, Chartris DG, Lesnik Oberstein SY, Avery RL, Fisher SK. (2007). Identification of ganglion cell neurites in human subretinal and epiretinal membranes. Br J Ophthalmol. 91: 1234-1238. PMID: 17108012.
Nakazawa T, Takeda M, Lewis GP, Cho KS, Jiao J, Wilhelmsson U, Fisher SK, Pekny M, Chen D-F, Miller JW. (2007). Attenuated Glial Reactions and Photoreceptor Degeneration after Retinal Detachment in Mice Deficient in Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein and Vimentin. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 48: 2760-2768. PMID: 17525210
Byun J, Verardo MR, Sumengen B, Lewis GP, Manjunath BS, Fisher SK. (2006). Automated tool for the detection of cell nuclei in digital microscopic images: Application to retinal images. Mol Vis. 12: 949-960. PMID: 16943767.
Fisher SK, Lewis GP. (2006). Cellular effects of detachment and reattachement on the neural retina and the retinal pigment epithelium. In: Retina. Ryan, S.J. and Wilkinson, C.P. Eds.,Volume 3, Surgical Retina, 4th edition. St. Louis, MO, Mosby pp.1991-2012.
Fisher SK, Lewis GP, Linberg KA, Barawid E, Verardo MR. (2006). Cellular remodeling in mammalian retina induced by retinal detachment. Webvision: The Organization of the Retina and Visual System. PMID: 21413405.
Linberg KA, Lewis GP, Matsumoto B, Fisher SK. (2006). Immunocytochemical evidence that rod-connected horizontal cell axon terminals remodel in response to experimental retinal detachment in the cat. Mol Vis. 12: 1674-86. PMID: 17213796.
Shahar J, Avery RL, Heilweil G, Barak A, Zemel E, Lewis GP, Johnson PT, Fisher SK, Perlman I, Loewenstein A. (2006). Electrophysiologic and Retinal Penetration Studies Following Intravitreal Injection of Bevacizumab (Avastin). Retina 26: 262-269. PMID: 16508424.
Wickham L, Sethi CS, Lewis GP, Fisher SK, McLeod D, Charteris DG. (2006). Glial and neural response in short-term human retinal detachment. Arch of Opthalmol. PMID: 17159042.
Fisher SK, Lewis GP, Linberg KA, Verardo MR. (2005). Cellular remodeling in mammalian retina: results from studies of experimental retinal detachment. Prog Retin Eye Res. 24: 395-431. PMID: 15708835.
Lewis GP, Fisher SK. (2005). Retinal plasticity and Interactive cellular remodeling in retinal detachment and reattachment. In: Plasticity in the Visual System: From Genes to Cirucuits. R. Pinaud, L. Tremere and P. De Weerd Eds. Pp.55-78.
Lewis GP, Sethi CS, Carter KM, Charteris DG, Fisher SK. (2005). Microglial cell activation following retinal detachment: a comparison between species. Mol Vis. 11: 491-500. PMID: 16052164.
Linberg KA, Fariss RN, Heckenlively JR, Farber DB, Fisher SK. (2005). Morphological characterization of the retinal degeneration in three strains of mice carrying the rd-3 mutation. Vis Neurosci. 22: 721-734. PMID: 16469183.
Sethi CS, Lewis GP, Fisher SK, Leitner WP, Mann DL, Luthert PJ, Charteris DG. (2005). Glial remodeling and neural plasticity in human retinal detachment with proliferative vitreoretinopathy. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 46: 329-342. PMID: 15623793.
Lewis GP, Talaga KC, Linberg KA, Avery RL, Fisher SK. (2004). The efficacy of delayed oxygen therapy in the treatment of experimental retinal detachment. Am J Ophthalmol. 137: 1085-1095. PMID: 15183794.
Fisher SK, Lewis GP. (2003). Müller cell and neuronal remodeling in retinal detachment and reattachment and their potential consequences for visual recovery. Vis Res. 43: 887-897. PMID: 12668058.
Jacobs GH, Calderone JB, Sakai T, Lewis GP, Fisher SK. (2003). Effects of retinal detachment on S and M cone function in an animal model. In Normal and Defective Colour Vision (eds. J. D. Mollon, J. Pokorny and K. Knoblauch). Oxford University Press, Oxford U.K. pp. 381-388.
Johnson PT, Lewis GP, Talaga KC, Brown MN, Kappel PJ, Fisher SK, Anderson DH, Johnson LV. (2003). Drusen–associated degeneration in the retina. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 44: 4481-4488. PMID: 14507896.
Lewis GP, Fisher SK. (2003). Up-regulation of glial fibrillary acidic protein in response to retinal injury: Its potential role in glial remodeling and a comparison to vimentin expression. In: Int. Rev. Cytol. A Survey of Cell Biology. K.W. Jeon, Ed. Elsevier, Academic Press San Diego CA, Vol. 230 Pp. 263-290. PMID: 14692684.
Lewis GP, Sethi CS, Linberg KA, Charteris DG, Fisher SK. (2003). Experimental retinal reattachment: A new perspective. Mol Neurobiol. 28: 159-175. PMID: 14576454.
Sakai T, Calderone JB, Lewis GP, Linberg KA, Fisher SK, Jacobs GH. (2003). Cone photoreceptor recovery after experimental detachment and reattachment: an Immunocytochemical, morphological, and electrophysiological study. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 44: 416-425. PMID: 12506104.
Charteris DG, Sethi CS, Lewis GP, Fisher SK. ( 2002). Proliferative vitreoretinopathy – developments in adjunctive treatment and retinal pathology. Eye. 16: 369-374. PMID: 12101443.
Coblentz FE, Lewis GP, Radeke MJ, Fisher SK. (2002). Evidence that ganglion cells react to retinal detachment. Exp Eye Res. 76: 333-342. PMID: 12573662.
Cuenca N, Deng P, Linberg KA, Lewis GP, Fisher SK, Kolb H. (2002). The neurons of the ground squirrel retina as revealed by immunostains for calcium binding proteins and neurotransmitters. J Neurocytol. 31: 649-666. PMID: 14501205.
Jacobs GH, Calderone JB, Sakai T, Lewis GP, Fisher SK. (2002). An animal model for studying cone function in retinal detachment. Doc Ophthalmol. 104: 119-132. PMID: 11949805.
Lewis GP, Sethi CS, Charteris DG, Fisher SK. (2002). Animal models of retinal detachment and reattachment: Identifying cellular events that may affect visual recovery. Eye. 16: 375-387. PMID: 12101444.
Lewis GP, Sethi CS, Charteris DG, Leitner WP, Linberg KA, Fisher SK. (2002). The ability of rapid retinal reattachment to stop or reverse the cellular and molecular events initiated by detachment. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 43: 2412-2420. PMID: 12091445.
Linberg KA, Sakai T, Lewis GP, Fisher SK. (2002). Experimental retinal detachment in the cone-dominant ground squirrel retina: morphology and basic immunocytochemistry. Vis Neurosci. 19: 603-619. PMID: 12507327.
Rex TS, Fariss RN, Lewis GP, Linberg KA, Sokal I, Fisher SK. (2002). A survey of molecular expression by photoreceptors after experimental retinal detachment. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 43: 1234-247. PMID: 11923271.
Rex TS, Lewis GP, Fisher SK. (2002). Differential expression of cone opsin mRNA levels following experimental retinal detachment and reattachment. Mol Vis. 8: 114-118. PMID: 11979236.
Fisher SK, Anderson DH. (2001). Cellular effects of detachment and reattachment on the neural retina and the retinal pigment epithelium. In: Retina, 3rd ed. Vol. Three: Surgical Retina. C.P. Wilkinson, Ed.; Stephen J. Ryan Editor-in-Chief. Mosby, St. Louis, pp. 1961-1986.
Fisher SK, Stone J, Rex TS, Linberg KA, Lewis GP. (2001). Experimental retinal detachment: A paradigm for understanding the effects of induced photoreceptor degeneration. In: Prog. In Brain Res. 131, “Concepts and Challenges in Retinal Biology” Kolb,H., Ripps, H, & Wu, S. (Eds), Elsevier Science, B.V. pp. 679-691.(presented, Aug, 2000, Woods Hole Symposium Honoring Professor John Dowling). PMID: 11420980.
Geller SF, Lewis GP, Fisher SK. (2001). FGFR1, signaling, and AP-1 expression after retinal detachment: reactive Müller and RPE cells. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 42: 1363-1369. PMID: 11328752.
Linberg KA, Cuenca N, Ahnelt P, Fisher SK, Kolb H. (2001). Comparative anatomy of major retinal pathways in the eyes of nocturnal and diurnal mammals. In: Prog. In Brain Res. 131, “Concepts and Challenges in Retinal Biology” Kolb, H., Ripps, H, & Wu, S. (Eds), Elsevier Science, B.V. pp. 27-52. PMID: 11420947.
Linberg KA, Lewis GP, Shaaw C, Rex TS, Fisher SK. (2001). Distribution of S- and M-cones in normal and experimentally detached cat retina. J Comp Neurol. 430: 343-356. PMID: 11169472.
Sakai T, Lewis GP, Linberg KA, Fisher SK. ( 2001). The ability of hyperoxia to limit the effects of experimental retinal detachment in cone-dominated retina. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 42: 3264-3273. PMID: 11726632.
Lewis GP, Fisher SK. (2000). Müller cell outgrowth after retinal detachment: association with cone photoreceptors. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 41: 1542-1545. PMID: 10798674.
Lewis UJ, Sinha YN, Lewis GP. (2000). Structure and properties of members of the hGH family: A review. Endocrine J. 47: (Suppl): S1-S8. PMID: 10890174.
Lewis GP, Linberg KA, Geller SF, Guérin CJ, Fisher SK. (1999). Effects of the neurotrophin brain-derived neurotrophic factor in an experimental model of retinal detachment. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 40: 1530-1544. PMID: 10359336.
Lewis GP, Mervin K, Valter-Kocsi K, Maslim J, Kappel P, Stone J, Fisher SK. (1999). Limiting the proliferation and reactivity of retinal Müller cells during experimental retinal detachment: The value of oxygen supplementation. Am J Ophthalmol. 128: 165-172. PMID: 10458171.
Mervin K, Valter K, Maslim J, Lewis GP, Fisher SK, Stone J. (1999). Limiting photoreceptor death and deconstruction during experimental retinal detachment: The value of oxygen supplementation. Am J Ophthalmol.128: 155-164. PMID: 10458170.
Stone J, Maslim J, Valter-Kocsi K, Mervin K, Bowers F, Chu Y, Barnett N, Provis J, Lewis GP, Fisher SK, Bisti S, Gargini C, Cervetto L, Merin S, Pe’er J. (1999). Mechanisms of photoreceptor death and survival in mammalian retina. Prog Retin Eye Res. 18: 689-735. PMID: 10530749.
Fisher SK, Anderson DH. (1998). Cellular Responses of the RPE to Retinal Detachment and Reattachment. In: The Retinal Pigment Epithelium, ed. M.F. Marmor and T. Wolfensberger. Oxford Univ. Press. pp. 406-419.
Lewis GP, Linberg KA, Fisher SK. (1998). Neurite outgrowth from bipolar and horizontal cells after experimental retinal detachment. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 39: 424-434. PMID: 9478003
Marc RE, Murry RF, Fisher SK, Linberg KA, Lewis GP. (1998). Amino acid signatures in the detached cat retina. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 39: 1694-1702. PMID: 9699559.
Marc RE, Murry RF, Fisher SK, Linberg KA, Lewis GP, Kalloniatis M. (1998). Amino acid signatures in the normal cat retina. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 39: 1685-1693. PMID: 9699558.
Fariss RN, Molday RS, Fisher SK, Matsumoto B. (1997). Evidence from normal and degenerating photoreceptors that two outer segment integral membrane proteins have separate transport pathways. J Comp Neurol. 387: 148-156. PMID: 9331178.
Hale IL, Fisher SK, Matsumoto B. (1996). The actin network in the ciliary stalk of photoreceptors functions in the generation of new outer segment discs. J Comp Neurol. 376: 128-142. PMID: 8946288.
Lewis GP, Fisher SK, Anderson DH. (1996). Fate of Biotinylated Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor in the Retina Following Intravitreal Injection. Exp Eye Res. 62: 309-324. PMID: 8690041.
Linberg KA, Seumune S, Fisher SK. (1996). Retinal neurons of the California ground squirrel, Spermophilus beecheyi: A Golgi study. J Comp Neurol. 365: 173-216. PMID: 8822165.
Cook B, Lewis GP, Fisher SK, Adler R. (1995). Apoptotic photoreceptor degeneration in experimental retinal detachment. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 36: 990-996. PMID: 7730033.
Geller SF, Lewis GP, Anderson DH, Fisher SK. (1995). Use of the MIB-1 antibody for detecting proliferating cells in the retina. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 36: 737-744. PMID: 7890504.
Lewis GP, Matsumoto B, Fisher SK. (1995). Changes in the organization and expression of cytoskeletal proteins during retinal degeneration induced by retinal detachment. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 36: 2404-2416. PMID: 7591630.
Kolb H, Fernandez E, Schouten J, Ahnelt P, Linberg KA, Fisher SK. (1994). Are there three types of horizontal cell in the human retina? J Comp Neurol. 343: 370-386. PMID: 8027448.
Lewis GP, Guerin CJ, Anderson DH, Matsumoto B, Fisher SK. (1994). Rapid changes in expression of glial cell proteins caused by experimental retinal detachment. Am J Ophthalmol. 118: 368-376. PMID: 7916177.
Erickson PA, Lewis GP, Fisher SK. (1993). Postembedding immunocytochemical techniques for light and electron microscopy. Methods In Cell Biology, Academic Press, Vol. 37 (D. Asai, ed.) pp. 283-310.
Fisher SK, Anderson DH. (1993). Cellular effects of detachment on the neural retina and retinal pigment epithelium. In: Retina (S.J. Ryan, Ed. in Chief). V. 3, "Surgical Retina" (Glaser, B. M. ed.) C. V. 2nd Edition, Mosby, St. Louis, pp. 2035-2062.
Fisher SK, Anderson DH, Erickson PA, Guerin CJ, Lewis GP, Linberg KA. (1993). Light and electron microscopy of vertebrate photoreceptors (Including a technique for electron microscopic autoradiography). Methods in Neuroscience., Academic Press Vol. 15. (P. Hargrave, ed.) pp. 3-36.
Guerin CJ, Lewis GP, Fisher SK, Anderson DH. (1993). Recovery of photoreceptor outer segment length and analysis of membrane assembly rates in regenerating primate photoreceptor outer segments. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 34: 175-183. PMID: 8425823.
Erickson PA, Feinstein SC, Lewis GP, Fisher SK. (1992). Glial fibrillary acidic protein and its mRNA: Ultrastructural detection and determination of changes after CNS injury. J Struct Biol. 108: 148-161. PMID: 1486005.
Kolb H, Linberg KA, Fisher SK. (1992). Neurons of the human retina: A Golgi study. J Comp Neurol. 318: 147-187. PMID: 1374766.
Lewis GP, Erickson PA, Guerin CJ, Anderson DH, Fisher SK. (1992). Basic fibroblast growth factor: A potential regulator of proliferation and intermediate filament expression in the retina. J. Neurosci. 12: 3968-3978. PMID: 1403094.
Fisher SK, Erickson PA, Lewis GP, Anderson DH. (1991). Intraretinal proliferation induced by retinal detachment. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 32:1739-1748. PMID: 2032796.
Hageman GH, Kirchoff-Rempe MA, Lewis GP, Fisher SK, Anderson DH. (1991). Sequestration of basic fibroblast growth factor in the primate retinal interphotoreceptor matrix. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 88: 6706- 6710. PMID: 1862095.
Hale IL, Fisher SK, Matsumoto B. (1991). Effects of retinal detachment on rod disc membrane assembly in cultured frog retinas. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 32: 2873-2881. PMID: 1833357.
Lewis GP, Erickson PA, Anderson DH, Fisher SK. (1991). Opsin distribution and protein incorporation in photoreceptors after experimental retinal detachment. Exp Eye Res. 53: 629-640. PMID: 1835933.
Erickson PA, Fisher SK. (1990). Tritiated uridine labeling of the retina: variations among retinal quadrants, and between right and left eyes. Exp Eye Res. 51: 145-152. PMID: 1696900.
Erickson PA, Guerin CJ, Fisher SK. (1990). Tritiated uridine labeling of the retina: changes after retinal detachment. Exp Eye Res. 51: 153-158. PMID: 1696901.
Fariss RN, Anderson DH, Fisher SK. (1990). Comparison of photoreceptor-specific matrix domains in the cat and monkey retinas. Exp Eye Res. 51: 473-485. PMID: 2209757.
Guerin CJ, Anderson DH, Fisher SK. (1990). Changes in intermediate filament immunolabeling occur in response to retinal detachment and reattachment in primates. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 31: 1474-1482. PMID: 2387680.
Linberg KA, Fisher SK. (1990). A burst of differentiation in the outer posterior retina of the eleven-week human fetus: an ultrastructural study. Vis Neurosci. 5: 43-60. PMID: 2271459.
Vaughan DK, Erickson PA, Fisher SK. (1990). Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) immunoreactivity in rabbit retina: effect of fixation. Exp Eye Res. 50: 385-392. PMID: 2186920.
Williams DS, Linberg KA, Fisher SK. (1990). Shedding of cone photoreceptor disk membranes in lizard eyecups maintained in vitro. Exp Eye Res. 50: 231-233. PMID: 2311685.
Fisher SK, Anderson DH. (1989). The cellular effects of detachment on the neural retina and retinal pigment epithelium.(1989). In: Retina (S. J. Ryan, Ed. in Chief). V. 3, "Surgical Retina" (Glaser,B. M. & Michels, R. G., eds.) C. V. Mosby, St. Louis, pp. 165-190.
Guerin CJ, Anderson DH, Fariss RN, Fisher SK. (1989). Retinal reattachment of the primate macula: Photoreceptor recovery after short-term detachment. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 30: 1708-1725. PMID: 2527212.
Lewis GP, Erickson PA, Guerin CJ, Anderson DH, Fisher SK. (1989). Changes in the expression of specific Muller cell proteins during long-term retinal detachment. Exp Eye Res. 49: 93-111. PMID: 2503391.
Vaughan DK, Fisher SK. (1989). Cytochalasin D disrupts outer segment disc morphogenesis in situ in rabbit retina. Invest Opthalmol Vis Sci. 30: 339-342. PMID: 2914762.
Vaughan DK, Fisher SK, Bernstein SA, Hale IL, Linberg KA, Matsumoto B. (1989). Evidence that microtubules do not mediate opsin vesicle transport in photoreceptors. J Cell Biol. 109: 3053-3062. PMID: 2687292.
Lewis GP, Erickson PA, Kaska DD, Fisher SK. (1988). An immunocytochemical comparison of Muller cells and astrocytes in the cat retina. Exp Eye Res. 47: 855-868. PMID: 2905672.
Lewis GP, Kaska DD, Vaughan DK, Fisher SK. (1988). An immunocytochemical study of cat retinal Muller cells in culture. Exp Eye Res. 47: 839-853. PMID: 2905673.
Linberg KA, Fisher SK. (1988). Ultrastructural evidence that horizontal cell axon terminals are presynaptic in the human retina. J Comp Neurol. 268: 281-297. PMID: 3360989.
Matsumoto B, Vaughan DK, Bernstein SA, Hale IL, Fisher SK. (1988). Cytoskeleton and membrane assembly in vertebrate photoreceptors. J Cell Biol. 107: 38a.
Williams DS, Linberg KA, Vaughan DK, Fariss RN, Fisher SK. (1988). Disruption of microfilament organization and deregulation of disk membrane morphogenesis by cytochalasin D in rod and cone photoreceptors. J Comp Neurol. 272: 161-176. PMID: 3397406.
Erickson PA, Anderson DH, Fisher SK. (1987). Use of Uranyl Acetate En Bloc to Improve Tissue Preservation and Labeling for Post-Embedding Immunoelectron Microscopy. J Elect Micr Tech. 5: 303-314.
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Anderson DH, Guerin CJ, Erickson PA, Stern WH, Fisher SK. (1986). Morphological recovery in the reattached retina. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 27: 168-183. PMID: 3943943.
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Williams DS, Wilson C, Linberg KA, Fisher SK. (1984). Effects of low sodium, ouabain, and strophanthidin on the shedding of rod outer segment discs. J Comp Physiol. A 155: 763-770.
Anderson DH, Stern WH, Fisher SK, Erickson PA, Borgula GA. (1983). Retinal detachment in the cat: The pigment epithelial-photoreceptor interface. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 24: 906-926. PMID: 6862795.
Erickson PA, Fisher SK, Anderson DH, Stern WH, Borgula GA. (1983). Retinal detachment in the cat: The outer nuclear and outer plexiform layers. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 24: 927-942. PMID: 6862796.
Fisher SK, Pfeffer BA, Anderson DH. (1983). Both rod and cone disc shedding are related to light onset in the cat. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 24: 844-856. PMID: 6683265.
Long KO, Fisher SK. (1983). The distributions of photoreceptors and ganglion cells in the California ground squirrel, Spermophilus beecheyi. J Comp Neurol. 221: 329-340. PMID: 6655087.
Stern WH, Guerin CJ, Erickson PA, Lewis GP, Anderson DH, Fisher SK. (1983). Ocular toxicity of fluorouracil after vitrectomy. Am J Ophthalmol. 96: 43-51. PMID: 6869479.
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Tabor GA, Fisher SK. (1983). Myeloid bodies in the mammalian retinal pigment epithelium. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 24: 388-391. PMID: 6682095.
Fisher SK, Steinberg RH. (1982). Origin and organization of pigment epithelial apical projections to cones in cat retina. J Comp Neurol. 206: 131-145. PMID: 6806335.
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Stern WH, Anderson DH, Fisher SK, Borgula GA, Erickson PA. (1981). Visual recovery following retina detachment: clinicopathologic correlations. Australian. Ophthalmol. 9: 143-154.
Anderson DH, Fisher SK, Erickson PA, Tabor GA. (1980). Rod and cone disc shedding in the rhesus monkey retina: A quantitative study. Exp Eye Res. 30: 559-574. PMID: 7409012.
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Steinberg RH, Fisher SK, Anderson DH. (1980). Disc morphogenesis in vertebrate photoreceptors. J Comp Neurol. 190: 501-518. PMID: 6771304.
Tabor GA, Fisher SK, Anderson DH. (1980). Rod and cone disc shedding in light-entrained tree squirrels. Exp Eye Res. 30: 545-557. PMID: 7409011.
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Anderson DH, Fisher SK. (1976). The photoreceptors of diurnal squirrels: Outer segment structure, disc shedding, and protein renewal. J Ultrastruct Res. 55: 119-141. PMID: 1263298.
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Jacobs GH, Fisher SK, Anderson DH, Silverman MS. (1976). Scotopic and photopic vision in the California ground squirrel: Physiological and anatomical evidence. J Comp Neurol. 165: 209-228. PMID: 1245613.
Anderson DH, Fisher SK. (1975). Disc shedding in rodlike and conelike photoreceptors of tree squirrels. Science. 187: 953-955. PMID: 1145180.
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Fisher SK, Linberg KA. (1975). Intercellular junctions in the early human embryonic retina. J Ultrastruct Res. 51: 69-78. PMID: 1127794.
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Fisher SK, Boycott BB. (1974). Synaptic connexions made by horizontal cells within the outer plexiform layer of the retina of the cat and the rabbit. Proc Roy Soc Lond B. 186: 317-331. PMID: 4154444.
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Fisher SK. (1972). A somato-somatic synapse between amacrine and bipolar cells in the cat retina. Brain Res. 43: 587-590. PMID: 5053291.
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