A deficiency screen for zygotic loci required for establishment and patterning of the epidermis in Caenorhabditis elegans.

TitleA deficiency screen for zygotic loci required for establishment and patterning of the epidermis in Caenorhabditis elegans.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1997
AuthorsTerns RM, Kroll-Conner P, Zhu J, Chung S, Rothman JH
Date Published1997 May
KeywordsAnimals, Body Patterning, Caenorhabditis elegans, Cell Differentiation, Epidermis, Genes, Lethal, Homozygote, Pharynx, Phenotype, Zygote

To identify genomic regions required for establishment and patterning of the epidermis, we screened 58 deficiencies that collectively delete at least approximately 67% of the Caenorhabditis elegans genome. The epidermal pattern of deficiency homozygous embryos was analyzed by examining expression of a marker specific for one of the three major epidermal cell types, the seam cells. The organization of the epidermis and internal organs was also analyzed using a monoclonal antibody specific for epithelial adherens junctions. While seven deficiencies had no apparent effect on seam cell production, 21 were found to result in subnormal, and five in excess numbers of these cells. An additional 23 deficiencies blocked expression of the seam cell marker, in some cases without preventing cell proliferation. Two deficiencies result in multinucleate seam cells. Deficiencies were also identified that result in subnormal numbers of epidermal cells, hyperfusion of epidermal cells into a large syncytium, or aberrant epidermal differentiation. Finally, analysis of internal epithelia revealed deficiencies that cause defects in formation of internal organs, including circularization of the intestine and bifurcation of the pharynx lumen. This study reveals that many regions of the C. elegans genome are required zygotically for patterning of the epidermis and other epithelia.

Alternate JournalGenetics
PubMed ID9136010
PubMed Central IDPMC1207935
Grant ListGM-48137 / GM / NIGMS NIH HHS / United States