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Filters: Keyword is Caenorhabditis elegans [Clear All Filters]
An Autonomous Molecular Bioluminescent Reporter (AMBER) for Voltage Imaging in Freely Moving Animals.. Adv Biol (Weinh). 5(12):e2100842.
2021. Stressful development: integrating endoderm development, stress, and longevity.. Dev Biol. 471:34-48.
2021. Intertwined Functions of Separase and Caspase in Cell Division and Programmed Cell Death.. Sci Rep. 10(1):6159.
2020. Natural cryptic variation in epigenetic modulation of an embryonic gene regulatory network.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 117(24):13637-13646.
2020. Developmental Plasticity and Cellular Reprogramming in .. Genetics. 213(3):723-757.
2019. .
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2018. .
Heterotaxy in Caenorhabditis: widespread natural variation in left-right arrangement of the major organs.. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 371(1710)
2016. Transorganogenesis and transdifferentiation in C. elegans are dependent on differentiated cell identity.. Dev Biol. 420(1):136-147.
2016. NEGotiating Cell Identity through Regulated Cytoplasmic Polyadenylation.. Dev Cell. 34(1):1-2.
2015. .
Transdifferentiation and remodeling of post-embryonic C. elegans cells by a single transcription factor.. Development. 140(24):4844-9.
2013. Essential role for Notch signaling in restricting developmental plasticity.. Genes Dev. 26(21):2386-91.
2012. Handedness of a motor program in C. elegans is independent of left-right body asymmetry.. PLoS One. 7(12):e52138.
2012. Caenorhabditis elegans: molecular genetics and development.. Methods Cell Biol. 106:xv-xviii.
2011. Caenorhabditis elegans as a model for stem cell biology.. Dev Dyn. 239(5):1539-54.
2010. Endoderm development in Caenorhabditis elegans: the synergistic action of ELT-2 and -7 mediates the specification→differentiation transition.. Dev Biol. 347(1):154-66.
2010. Repression of Wnt signaling by a Fer-type nonreceptor tyrosine kinase.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 107(37):16154-9.
2010. ced-4 and proto-oncogene tfg-1 antagonistically regulate cell size and apoptosis in C. elegans.. Curr Biol. 18(14):1025-33.
2008. Cell death: hook, line and linker.. Curr Biol. 17(8):R286-9.
2007. Maternal deployment of the embryonic SKN-1-->MED-1,2 cell specification pathway in C. elegans.. Dev Biol. 301(2):590-601.
2007. Regulation of developmental rate and germ cell proliferation in Caenorhabditis elegans by the p53 gene network.. Cell Death Differ. 14(4):662-70.