Developmental Plasticity and Cellular Reprogramming in .

TitleDevelopmental Plasticity and Cellular Reprogramming in .
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsRothman J, Jarriault S
Date Published2019 11
KeywordsAnimals, Caenorhabditis elegans, Cell Lineage, Cell Plasticity, Cellular Reprogramming, Cellular Reprogramming Techniques

While was originally regarded as a model for investigating determinate developmental programs, landmark studies have subsequently shown that the largely invariant pattern of development in the animal does not reflect irreversibility in rigidly fixed cell fates. Rather, cells at all stages of development, in both the soma and germline, have been shown to be capable of changing their fates through mutation or forced expression of fate-determining factors, as well as during the normal course of development. In this chapter, we review the basis for natural and induced cellular plasticity in We describe the events that progressively restrict cellular differentiation during embryogenesis, starting with the multipotency-to-commitment transition (MCT) and subsequently through postembryonic development of the animal, and consider the range of molecular processes, including transcriptional and translational control systems, that contribute to cellular plasticity. These findings in the worm are discussed in the context of both classical and recent studies of cellular plasticity in vertebrate systems.

Alternate JournalGenetics
PubMed ID31685551
PubMed Central IDPMC6827377
Grant ListR01 HD081266 / HD / NICHD NIH HHS / United States
R01 HD082347 / HD / NICHD NIH HHS / United States