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Filters: Keyword is Transforming Growth Factor beta [Clear All Filters]
ADMP2 is essential for primitive blood and heart development in Xenopus.. Dev Biol. 299(2):411-23.
2006. .
Boundaries and functional domains in the animal/vegetal axis of Xenopus gastrula mesoderm.. Dev Biol. 236(2):465-77.
2001. FGF signaling restricts the primary blood islands to ventral mesoderm.. Dev Biol. 228(2):304-14.
2000. Primary structure requirements for Xenopus nodal-related 3 and a comparison with regions required by Xenopus nodal-related 2.. J Biol Chem. 275(19):14124-31.
2000. Spatial and temporal properties of ventral blood island induction in Xenopus laevis.. Development. 126(23):5327-37.
1999. TGF beta inhibitors. New and unexpected requirements in vertebrate development.. Trends Genet. 15(1):3-5.
1999. Direct neural induction and selective inhibition of mesoderm and epidermis inducers by Xnr3.. Development. 124(2):483-92.