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Laminin-5 promotes neurite outgrowth from central and peripheral chick embryonic neurons. Neuroscience Letters. 301(2):83-6.
2001. Imaging and mapping heparin-binding sites on single fibronectin molecules with atomic force microscopy. Biochemistry. 39(12):3192-6.
2000. Imaging real-time proteolysis of single collagen I molecules with an atomic force microscope. Biochemistry. 38(31):9956-63.
1999. Integrin alphavbeta5 participates in the binding of photoreceptor rod outer segments during phagocytosis by cultured human retinal pigment epithelium. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 39(9):1703-12.
1998. Structures and dynamic motion of laminin-1 as observed by atomic force microscopy. Biochemistry. 37(22):8262-7.
1998. Human SY5Y neuroblastoma cell interactions with laminin isoforms: neurite outgrowth on laminin-5 is mediated by integrin alpha 3 beta 1. Cell Communication and Adhesion. 3(6):451-62.
1996. Temporal and spatial regulation of integrin vitronectin receptor mRNAs in the embryonic chick retina. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 37(6):1084-96.
1996. Widespread expression of beta1 integrins in the developing chick retina: evidence for a role in migration of retinal ganglion cells. Developmental Biology. 180(1):82-96.
1996. Differential localization and functional role of calsequestrin in growing and differentiated myoblasts. The Journal of Cell Biology. 128(3):341-54.
1995. Integrin alpha 2 beta 1 mediates interactions between developing embryonic retinal cells and collagen. Development. 121(11):3593-602.
1995. Characterization of a beta-nerve growth factor expression vector for mammalian cells. Gene. 130(2):291-6.
1993. Expression of the calsequestrin gene in chicken cerebellum Purkinje neurons. Biochemical Journal. 294 ( Pt 2):487-90.
1993. Evidence against a laminin receptor role for calsequestrin. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 174(3):1208-16.
1991. .
1991. Efficient transfection and expression of heterologous genes in PC12 cells. DNA Cell Biology. 9(3):221-9.
1990. Identification and developmental expression of a chicken calsequestrin homolog. Developmental Biology. 142(1):169-77.
1990. Regulation of nerve growth factor mRNA levels in developing rat heart ventricle is not altered by sympathectomy. Developmental Biology. 134(1):30-7.
1989. .
Nerve growth factor gene expression in the developing rat brain. Science. 234(4774):352-5.