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Filters: Keyword is Caenorhabditis elegans [Clear All Filters]
C. elegans DAF-18/PTEN mediates nutrient-dependent arrest of cell cycle and growth in the germline.. Curr Biol. 16(8):773-9.
2006. Cell fusion: EFF is enough.. Curr Biol. 15(7):R252-4.
2005. Essential kinase-independent role of a Fer-like non-receptor tyrosine kinase in Caenorhabditis elegans morphogenesis.. Development. 132(14):3185-95.
2005. Genetic redundancy in endoderm specification within the genus Caenorhabditis.. Dev Biol. 284(2):509-22.
2005. Nematode gastrulation: having a BLASTocoel!. Curr Biol. 15(13):R495-8.
2005. The noncanonical binding site of the MED-1 GATA factor defines differentially regulated target genes in the C. elegans mesendoderm.. Dev Cell. 8(3):427-33.
2005. Repression of cell-cell fusion by components of the C. elegans vacuolar ATPase complex.. Dev Cell. 8(5):787-94.
2005. .
2005. Structural differences in the DNA binding domains of human p53 and its C. elegans ortholog Cep-1.. Structure. 12(7):1237-43.
2004. Essential embryonic roles of the CKI-1 cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor in cell-cycle exit and morphogenesis in C elegans.. Dev Biol. 260(1):273-86.
2003. Gastrulation: PARtaking of the bottle.. Curr Biol. 13(6):R223-5.
2003. Suppression of CED-3-independent apoptosis by mitochondrial betaNAC in Caenorhabditis elegans.. Nature. 424(6952):1066-71.
2003. Aging: from radiant youth to an abrupt end.. Curr Biol. 12(7):R239-41.
2002. Cell fates and fusion in the C. elegans vulval primordium are regulated by the EGL-18 and ELT-6 GATA factors -- apparent direct targets of the LIN-39 Hox protein.. Development. 129(22):5171-80.
2002. Cell fusion: an EFFicient sculptor.. Curr Biol. 12(13):R467-9.
2002. Dynamics of a developmental switch: recursive intracellular and intranuclear redistribution of Caenorhabditis elegans POP-1 parallels Wnt-inhibited transcriptional repression.. Dev Biol. 248(1):128-42.
2002. Making worm guts: the gene regulatory network of the Caenorhabditis elegans endoderm.. Dev Biol. 246(1):68-85.
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2002. Caenorhabditis elegans p53: role in apoptosis, meiosis, and stress resistance.. Science. 294(5542):591-5.
2001. Distinct requirements for C.elegans TAF(II)s in early embryonic transcription.. EMBO J. 20(18):5269-79.
2001. ELT-5 and ELT-6 are required continuously to regulate epidermal seam cell differentiation and cell fusion in C. elegans.. Development. 128(15):2867-80.
2001. Many genomic regions are required for normal embryonic programmed cell death in Caenorhabditis elegans.. Genetics. 158(1):237-52.
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2001. Action of the Caenorhabditis elegans GATA factor END-1 in Xenopus suggests that similar mechanisms initiate endoderm development in ecdysozoa and vertebrates.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 97(8):4076-81.